
April 15, 2020 • Apurva Bhutani
“Innocent until proven guilty”, this statement is followed in every justice system, yet miscarriage of justice is in existence and an innocent found himself behind bars facing punishment given by the court of law. This article will focus on the impact of wrongful conviction to its victim along with its recognition; how state try to avoid them and in case of miscarriage of justice does state provide any compensation from their behalf.

April 15, 2020 • Apurva Bhutani
There are various crimes that can be considered as sexual offences, including crimes such as rape, voyeurism, sexual assault, etc. which also includes crimes against children including sexual abuse or grooming, and those crimes which exploit others for a sexual purpose, it can be in person or online. This article is based on various punishment prescribed under the Indian Penal Code also this will help us to analyse whether the punishment prescribed by law is fair or not and are able to prevent the commission of such crimes in future.

April 15, 2020 • Apurva Bhutani
Imprisonment of women with their children has always been a topic of concern. The children of women inmates are deprived of their fundamental rights and amenities. This article is based on the study of children living with their mother’s in prison.
The main objective of this study is to analyse the situation of such children and to identify the problems of such children and their mothers in jail, suggesting various measures to be taken to improve their living conditions.

Elucidating Regulatory Sandbox: With Special Emphasis On Irdai`S Framework
April 15, 2020 • Architi Batra
The article deals with the meaning of the regulatory sandbox framework and its certain features. It then emphasizes the framework brought in by IRDAI.

April 10, 2020 • anshu sharma
Right to protest is an essential part of democracy granted as a fundamental right granted to every citizen of India. This right is also subject to some reasonable restrictions imposed for maintaining a state of peace and stability in our society.

Contentious law Reform: A Therapeutic approach
April 10, 2020 • anshu sharma
There is recent major law reform in the area of Health law, which is highly contentious because of its quiddity. To improve the health facility for the individuals some major changes are made in abortion law and new concept of passive euthanasia has been introduce, high level expert group has been established by the government to provide elementary and affordable health care to people, this kind of so many initiative has been taken by Indian government. The abortion law and law of passive euthanasia is gone through so many contention, after which the law has been implemented.

April 10, 2020 • anshu sharma
Practice of Triple talaq in Islam is mode of commencing divorce by Muslim men upon their wives. This practice commence instant divorce. It violates the basic fundamental rights of Muslim women as they have no say in this talaq. This article deals with the Supreme Court verdict in Shayara Bano case and various other decisions. Personal laws of Muslims, freedom of religion and position of Quran will be taken into consideration.

Rights of Disabled in India and the impact of foreign treaties and conventions
April 9, 2020 • anshu sharma
The article discuses about the rights of the disabled people in India and the international conventions and treaties, that have been incorporated to provide protection and equal rights in all spheres to the people with disabilities.

Living Conditions Of The Transgender Community In India
April 9, 2020 • Architi Batra
The condition of shelter for the Transgender community most of the time is of very poor quality and it suffers from a certain level of shabbiness and deterioration, yet it is indicating the fact of their acceptance of situations and adjustment to its core level because of their present condition in our society.

Is There Space For Commercial Surrogacy In A Democracy?
April 7, 2020 • Architi Batra
The article analyzes the balance between democratic freedoms and state protection in the field of commercial surrogacy.

Overview of the Economic Slowdown in India during FY 2019-20
April 7, 2020 • Architi Batra
The article discusses the declining economic growth of India and what are the impacts on the different sectors of the economy.

Divorce And Separation: Matrimonial positions in India
April 7, 2020 • Architi Batra
The authentic breaking down of a considerable marriage by a court is known as Divorce. Exactly when a marriage isolates, the division law offers legal responses for the mate and the spouse who are not prepared to decide their marital issues by basic investment.

Viable Solutions And Efforts To Curb Police Brutality And Custodial Violence
April 7, 2020 • Architi Batra
This Article deals with police brutality and custodial violence, its causes and the no. of steps that have been taken by our Government to reform the police Administration system to minimize police brutality and custodial violence. But, we also have to take immediate steps or solutions to curb this police brutality and custodial violence.

Women Getting Equal Rights In The Indian Army
April 7, 2020 • Architi Batra
Commenting on the landmark judgment recently pronounced by the Apex Court and removed the gender discrimination from the Indian army. This judgment is the historic judgment in this armed service history. Further elaborating on the earlier status of women and what changes does this judgment made for their positions.

April 6, 2020 • Apurva Bhutani
The push and pull factor of the country leads to a huge rise of immigrants. Some of them are legal immigrants and some illegal. This article will focus on the push and pull factor of the country which attracts immigrants as well as how the laws deal with the illegal immigrants.

April 6, 2020 • Apurva Bhutani
Assisted dying or Euthanasia has always been a topic in debate from more than the half century. It has recently become the attraction of media, physician’s and politicians after the guidelines issued by the Supreme court in the case of Aruna Shanbaug.
The present study is based on whether Assisted dying should be legalized in India or not. It also explains the advantages and consequences of legalisation of Assisted dying and Euthanasia in our country.

Overview of need for Uniform Civil Code
April 2, 2020 • Apurva Bhutani
The term uniform civil code determine the idea of replacing the personal laws based on customs and scriptures with the same set of civil laws governing every citizen. Ever since the formation of constitution UCC has always been the topic in controversy or even before the independence of India. Uniform Civil Code will create a balance among protection of fundamental rights and customs prevailing in India.

Timeline of COVID-19 and measures taken in India
March 31, 2020 • Apurva Bhutani
Coronavirus aka COVID-19 had an adverse impact worldwide, which not only affected people's livelihood but also led to the implication of biological emergency nationwide under Epidemic Disease Act, 1897. The aim of this article is to spread awareness of laws to be implied under biological emergency.

Identifying and combating fake news and disinformation, which spreads hate and divisiveness
March 30, 2020 • Architi Batra
The article takes a look at the current state of mechanisms to combat fake news and analyses what actions are needed forward.

Key Measures Taken By Reserve Bank Of India In Wake Of Coronavirus: An Analysis
March 30, 2020 • Architi Batra
The article discusses the various changes brought in by the RBI in the monetary policy of the country to ensure stability and liquidity in the wake of coronavirus. It also emphasizes on the probable impact of such changes.