Jurisdiction ( Still a wider realm to be discovered)
March 24, 2020 • Arjun Solanki
Brief Review On Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006
March 24, 2020 • Architi Batra
By giving a brief idea about the aim and objective of the act the article further focusing on the boards established under the act and what are the functions to be performed by that board? Also, the remedies available before these enterprises and lastly the bill introduced for further amendments in the act.
(A)theist Bhagat: Analysis of ‘Why I am an atheist’ by Bhagat Singh
March 23, 2020 • Nitish Rai
For the next 50 years, this alone shall be our keynote — this, our great Mother India. Let all other vain gods disappear for the time from our minds” – Swami Vivekananda, February 14, 1897, Madras
Government’s Proposal On The Ban Of Fairness Creams Anti Ageing Creams Ads
March 22, 2020 • Architi Batra
People of Asian countries are very conscious about complexion. This desire is exploited with advertisements of fairness creams in both the print and visual media which allure youngsters with promises of desired results. Skin lightening products occupy 61% of the dermatological market in India. Cosmetics are supposed to be safe and healthy, but research reports on their toxicities are available. Heavy metals are added intentionally or unintentionally to cosmetics, the presence of which, the consumers are mostly unaware of.
Types of Majorities Used in the Indian Parliament
March 22, 2020 • Mayank Arya
India follows a parliamentary democracy. In a parliamentary democracy, all major decisions are taken by the Parliament. To pass a bill and turn them into laws, the Parliament needs to pass them with a majority. There are different types of majorities which are used in the Indian Parliament.
Law Relating To Defamation In India
March 15, 2020 • Architi Batra
The meaning of defamation is well known to legal professionals but to ordinary or common person defamation is something new even though it is something that they face in every day in their day-to-day life either by knowing that this statement provided by another person about them or someone else is defamatory in nature or by not.
(1)The science has turned the manner on how this tortuous liability is conducted. The development of science and technology have turned out the meaning of the term defamation to include the digital nature of defamation. Further defamation has been divided into two varieties - slander and libel, where Slander is a spoken form of defamation and libel are printed or broadcast form of defamation. ‘Defamation', in simple terms, means to harm the good reputation of the other person. (2) It can be in the form of abusing someone, publishing defamatory material against a person, malicious gossiping, etc. The defamation may also be called as vilification, traducement, and calumny.
March 15, 2020 • Madhav Gawri
The advancement to technology and dynamism of the legal world provides an outlook on privacy and Data Protection issues in this “Information Age." Privacy has been a growing concern in recent times. Data Protection emphasises on protecting an Individual's liberty, which is under threat due to the enormous developments taking place in media and technology. This article focuses on the nature of Data Protection Laws in India, the legal advancements taking place under this subject, and the need to provide it a special status in the legal field.
Bride Trafficking: An Untold Crime
March 15, 2020 • Architi Batra
The content highlights the unspoken and unknown issue faced by the Indian Brides. How brides in India have become a trade element and an object of childbearing. This heinous act is not yet recognized as a crime in India which is the prime cause of it increasing rapidly as the statistics provide.
Introduction To Energy Law
March 15, 2020 • Architi Batra
India is one of those countries which has the lowest per capita energy consumption. In spite of this, it has a huge energy demand due to the ever-increasing population size. The integrated 'Energy Policy Report' prepared by an expert committee under the aegis of the planning commission of India clearly mentions that by 2031-32 the power generating capacity in the country must increase to nearly 8,00,000 MW from the current capacity of around 1,60,00 MV inclusive of all captive plants. India is often seen by many countries of the world as one of the parties that prioritize its economic development over environmental concerns. This is possible since being a developing country it has continued with its industrialization goals. However, in spite of this and all criticism, it has to mitigate the impact of continuous climate change, which seems to be inevitable.
Internet Shutdown; A Global Analysis
March 14, 2020 • Architi Batra
Restrictions to Internet access are on the rise globally, with frequent news of government-mandated disruptions of Internet access. Driven largely by political and national security concerns, state-ordered Internet shutdowns have become the “new normal” in many countries. Internet shutdown is an intentional disruption of Internet-based communications, rendering them inaccessible or effectively unavailable, for a specific population, location, or mode of access, often to exert control over the flow of information.
Surrogacy: Hope For Bringing A New Life Or A Way Of Earning?
March 14, 2020 • Architi Batra
Beyond raising bioethical questions, “surrogate motherhood” is a practice that lends itself easily to the exploitation of women, especially those belonging to the poorest strata of society. The people who hire the surrogate are also known as the “intended parents,” and they can be single or couples, married or not, heterosexual or homosexual.
How to file a Cyber Crime Complaint in India?
March 14, 2020 • Architi Batra
How To File An RTI Application: A Complete Guide
March 13, 2020 • Architi Batra
Every citizen has the right to know about one's work for them. How one can get all the information about the one working for them, the whole process step by step to be followed. It also contains the steps to be followed for filing RTI appeal if the RTI application is rejected or not provided with satisfactory replies.
Mediation as an alternative to litigation
March 13, 2020 • Architi Batra
There are a few different ways to settle your personal injury case, and your attorney will be able to help you decide the best course of action. While you’re working out the details of your case with them, you might hear the words mediation and litigation.
How to apply for PAN card?
March 13, 2020 • Mayank Arya
A PAN (Permanent Account Number) card is seen as an essential document nowadays. The document, issued by the Income Tax Department under the Government of India, is an alphanumeric code and is issued to all individuals and entities that fall under the Income Tax Act of 1961. The PAN card serves to link all financial transactions made by an entity, thereby reducing the chance of tax evasion since every transaction is now linked and recorded.
Acid Attack: Chappak
March 13, 2020 • Architi Batra
The article covers the evolution of acid attack laws in Indian. Remedies available before the savior and punishment for the person committing such heinous acts.
March 12, 2020 • Madhav Gawri
The article provides with the steps to register of a company defined under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013
How to deal with Identity Theft?
March 10, 2020 • Mayank Arya
Despite enormous advances in technology, millions of people have their identities stolen. An offender can gather sensitive information through low-tech methods of physically acquiring it, as well as hi-tech methods that use various technologies to capture an individual's information. Yet, there are multiple tools and ways of preventing identity theft that is accessible to the everyday consumer, who either are ignorant of them or just cannot be bothered. Identity theft has become perhaps the defining crime of the information age, with an estimated 9 million or more incidents each year. Identity theft is one of the most widely used crimes which involve the use of personal data by other individuals.
Right to Equality_Lecture 1
March 7, 2020 • Yash Kulshreshtha
Online Fraud and ways to deal with it
Feb. 28, 2020 • Mayank Arya
Online fraud is a type of fraud or deception which makes use of the internet and could involve hiding of information or providing incorrect information to cause fraud involving money, property, and inheritance. Internet fraud is not considered a single, distinctive crime but covers a range of illegal and illicit actions that are committed in cyberspace. It is, however, differentiated from theft since, in this case, the victim voluntarily and knowingly provides the information, money or property to the perpetrator.