The Dispute over Aksai Chin
July 30, 2020 • Samarth Luthra
This article tells us about the history, present day scenario and claims from both the countries on the disputed Aksai Chin region.
Revenge Porn and its Legal Remedies in India
July 30, 2020 • Madri Chandak
Facilitated with technological advancement, increments in revenge porn have left a catastrophic effect on the victim’s lives. This article has addressed the legal aspects of the revenge porn.
Female Criminality in India
July 28, 2020 • Snehal Asthana
Women criminality rates have increased drastically since last few decades globally. This article tries to analyse some of the various factors which contribute and accelerate the criminality amongst women. It also tries to examine the nature of the crimes committed by women and how it is different from the traditional crimes committed by them. Lastly, this article also enlists certain measures that could be taken to potentially reduce the criminality rate amongst women in India.
Need for a Global Disaster Management Body
July 28, 2020 • Snehal Asthana
Disasters have no boundaries; be it natural disasters or man-made disasters. They cannot be stopped from occurring but they can be managed. Every nation needs laws and mechanisms and bodies for Disaster Management. However, there is also a dire need for establishment of a global Disaster Management body for managing global disasters at large. This article talks about the Indian legal framework for Disaster Management, the present framework for Disaster Management at the global level, the challenges faced for setting up international standards for Disaster Management and lastly this article also enlists certain recommendations for management of disasters at a global level.
Overview: Right to Health as a Constitutional Right in India
July 28, 2020 • Snehal Asthana
Every individual has a right to stay healthy and have access to healthcare facilities especially in these trying circumstances. This article tries to explain the key aspects of the right to health and how the right to health was given a place in the Constitution of India. This article further tries to look at the right to health of specific groups of people such as women, children and adolescents, persons with disabilities, migrants and persons living with HIV/AIDS. Lastly, it tries to examine the obligations and responsibilities of the State with respect to the right to health and holding States accountable for the same.
Doctrine of Lifting Corporate Veil: Overview
July 28, 2020 • Snehal Asthana
The Doctrine of Lifting of Corporate Veil rests upon the concept of a Company being a separate legal entity, different from its members, shareholders or Directors. This article tries to examine the Doctrine and its underlying concept, the concept of piercing of corporate veil, the grounds under which the veil can be lifted and the provisions under the Indian law supporting the same. This article also tries to substantiate this Doctrine with relevant case laws.
Electoral Reforms in India
July 28, 2020 • Snehal Asthana
Elections and the process of voting play a very important role in a democracy. A lot of electoral reforms have therefore be recommended time and again by various Committees, the Election Commission of India as well as the Law Commission of India. Some not all of the reforms have been enlisted and an effort has been made to briefly explain a few of them.
Overview: Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Bill, 2010
July 28, 2020 • Snehal Asthana
Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is the technology used to achieve pregnancy in procedures such as fertility medication, artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization and surrogacy. Fertility therapies where eggs and sperm are manipulated involve surgically removing eggs from women and combining them with sperm in the laboratory. It is the emerging field in India. This article provides a critical analysis of Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Bill, 2010.
Opinion: Economy or Health: Governments Dilemma over the World
July 28, 2020 • Snehal Asthana
The coronavirus pandemic is creating a two-headed problem for governments. Economic policymakers are being forced to perform a delicate balancing act. As with all balancing acts, failure to achieve and maintain can produce dire consequences.
Broadly Speaking: Legal system evolution in India
July 28, 2020 • Snehal Asthana
India incorporates a recorded legal history ranging from the Vedic ages. It's believed that ancient India had some type of system in situation even during the Bronze Age and also the Indus Valley civilization. Law as a matter of non-secular prescriptions and philosophical discourse has an illustrious history in India. Secular law in India varied widely from region to region and from ruler to ruler. Court systems for civil and criminal matters were essential features of many ruling dynasties of ancient India. This article describes the evolution of the legal system from the ancient period and what is the situation post- independence through the lens of literature.
What are the Labour Laws which are Suspended amidst COVID-19
July 28, 2020 • Snehal Asthana
With the aim to boost economy amid the lockdown due to emergence of COVID-19, several state governments have decided to suspend most of the labour laws in their respective state via ordinance. This has been done with an aim to give curb the effects of lockdown on Indian economy and provide employers with more flexibility to run their factories. This might give a much needed boost to the economy and benefit the employers but these have raised few concerns regarding the safety and Security.
Predatory Pricing and its Legal Remedy in India
July 28, 2020 • Snehal Asthana
Predatory pricing can be defined as a pricing strategy where the prices of goods and the services are fixed at such low level that it becomes almost impossible for the other firms to compete in the existing market and are thus forced to go out of the race. This article lays down a brief introduction of the predatory pricing and the provided legal remedies.
The Growth of Cryptocurrency its Challenges and Impact on Legislation in India
July 28, 2020 • Snehal Asthana
Cryptocurrency started to be used in many countries as soon as its system became widespread. Countries have begun to create their own cryptocurrencies as well. Along with this increase in the dimensions of cryptocurrencies across the world, some regulatory needs have arisen. Many countries have been regulating their legal and economic infrastructures to cover cryptocurrencies, and many others have been on a quest to do so. The use of virtual currency has become widespread in many different systems in recent years. This article investigates the user's expectations of the future of cryptocurrency.
White Collar Crime: A Crime under Invisibility Cloak
July 28, 2020 • Snehal Asthana
For the first time, the report of the Santhanam Committee attached the great importance to the emergence of crime and abuses known as “white collar” crime, which is also recognized by the report of 29th Law Commission in 1972. The study of the committee acknowledged the advent of the “mass society” with a tiny elite controller, promoting monopoly development and a deviation from ethical behaviour. White-collar crime is invisible in many different respects. The article will briefly outline some major questions dominating discussions of how this vast group of offences can be controlled.
Legalization of Betting: Pros and Cons
July 28, 2020 • Snehal Asthana
Gambling and other forms of betting are the common thorough out the world. In India, people bet on animal fights on the street, cock fights, playing card games. Over a period of time, the people have started betting on the cricket and other national sports. With several corers of money being transacted illegally and the government’s failure to end the menace, there is a wide spread comment about the need to create a robust regulatory framework for legalizing gambling.
Cyber Delinquency in India
July 28, 2020 • Snehal Asthana
The word "cyber" is slang for anything relating to computers, information technology, internet and virtual reality. Cyber crime is a growing threat to the all round development of the society. The increasing use of laptop and mobile phones among today’s youth has had a worrisome consequence — it has given sexual predators, pedophiles and other criminals a way to zoom in on the vulnerable targets.
Doctrine of Part Performance under Transfer of Property Act, 1882
July 28, 2020 • Snehal Asthana
The Doctrine of Part Performance enshrined in Section 53-A of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 through examining the essential ingredients of the said Section, its applicability, its object, its essential conditions, and also by studying the difference between the Indian Law of Part Performance and its English counterpart.
Role of Energy Laws in Holding the Spirit of Sustainable Development in India
July 28, 2020 • Snehal Asthana
This article aims to examine the importance of energy laws in holding the spirit of sustainable development, especially in the Indian context. The article tries to list the existing Indian legislative framework in the energy sector. The article also tries to recognize the key players for the development and implementation of sustainable energy and its laws, the challenges faced in the sustainable energy sector, the role of international agencies in policymaking for sustainable energy, and the need for a new paradigm in the energy sector for sustainable development.
Mental Health Statutes in India: Broad overview
July 28, 2020 • Snehal Asthana
An understanding of mental health care- from a legal, human and ethical point of view is extremely needed especially in today’s times. This article tries to give a comprehensive understanding of mental health care and the factors affecting the same. It also tries to list down the laws governing mental health care in India as well as certain provisions of international instruments governing the same. This article also tries to explain a few rights of people with mental illness. A few important provisions of the Mental HealthCare Act, 2017 are also explained with substantive case laws.
Transgender Studies: An India Case Study
July 26, 2020 • Architi Batra