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Rethinking Patent Law Through The Lens Of Swaraj: A Decolonial Approach To Innovation And Knowledge


In the present times, intellectual property rights or IPR plays a pivotal role in shaping the technological advancement and innovative knowledge. Patent law is a specific part of IPR which is very important for innovation and economic development. Despite that, it has been built on Western legal traditions whose main aim is to favor monopolistic rights over innovation and creativity. It is an undisputed fact that the main aim of patent law is to incentivize innovation but recently, it has become a tool to create dependency, which unfairly benefits the larger corporations over local communities and individuals.

On the contrary, if we look at Swaraj or the idea of self rule, it plays a huge role to ensure an alternative point of view. The idea of Swaraj was initially self-rule or political independence but it means more than that. According to K. C. Bhattacharya, swaraj not only means political independence but also intellectual independence, including self-sufficiency, decentralization, and ideas not influenced by the West. Placing the Swaraj lens on patent law forces us to ask whether the existing system is aligned with the vision of self-reliance and collective advance or only reinforces new economic forms of colonization. This blog discusses how patent law may be reinvented based on Swaraj principles to produce a more equitable, equitable, and sustainable innovation model.

The Core Jurisprudential Foundation of Patent Law

Patent law is substantiated on a two-fold jurisprudential principle:

  1. Lockean Labor Theory of Property

This theory was given by John Locke, an English philosopher and physician. This theory basically states that when individuals acquire ownership of resources, they combine their own labour therein, thus transforming it into a private property. This is central to patent law because inventors have the exclusive right over their creation.

  1. Utilitarian Justification

The theory of utilitarianism also plays a critical role in shaping patent law. This is so because this theory justifies IPR on the premise that it benefits the society at large. When inventions are given protections under patent law and IPR, it is seen as an incentive to research and development, which further benefits the society.

While these principles have produced scientific and technological advancement in some areas, they have also created disparities and entry barriers to sharing knowledge. The question is: does this model really serve the common good, or does it facilitate corporate monopolization at the expense of bottom-up innovation?

A Swaraj-Based Critique of Patent Law

1. Privatization of Knowledge and Its Implications

Contemporary patent law privatizes knowledge, restricting access to innovations that otherwise would benefit society. Such exclusivity goes against Swaraj's doctrine of common resources. Ancient Indian knowledge systems—be it in medicine, agriculture, or metallurgy—were based on the concept of common ownership and not individual monopolies.

For instance, India has long been struggling with biopiracy, in which multinationals patent ancient medicinal wisdom, like neem or turmeric, without paying the indigenous communities. Such plunder of local knowledge is an indicator of a more fundamental issue with patent law: it makes legal appropriation of collective wisdom under the guise of innovation possible.

Bhattacharya's concept of intellectual Swaraj implies that the recovery of our knowledge systems is central to genuine independence. He cautions against the foreign ideas being swallowed passively, including legal systems that commodify knowledge instead of maintaining it as a common cultural and intellectual one.

2. Damage to Local and Indigenous Innovation

Patent law tends to disadvantage small-scale inventors and indigenous groups who cannot afford to deal with complicated legal structures. Large firms employ patents as a strategic tool to establish technological dependencies. The developing world, including India, finds itself importing costly patented goods instead of developing domestic industries, which erodes self-reliance.

A Swaraj-based system would acknowledge that knowledge must be fostered among communities and employed for local empowerment instead of being confined in legal monopolies.

3. Decentralization vs. Centralization of Patent Control

With a Swaraj-based approach, control of knowledge must be decentralized. Presently, the patent system is excessively globalized and centralized in the hands of a few patent offices that deal mostly with corporate needs. This puts the smaller players at a disadvantage where local companies and researchers are dictated to by multinational giants. A decentralized approach would vest power back with the people and provide local control of knowledge assets.

A Swaraj-Based Alternative to Patent Law

To build a more equitable and inclusive innovation system, we outline a Swaraj-inspired Intellectual Commons Model prioritizing:

1. Commons-Based Innovation Rights

Rather than patenting monopolies, a temporal recognition and share-of-benefits model is proposed. Innovators are accorded recognition and reasonable compensation, but their inventions are kept accessible for the common good after a shorter period of exclusivity. This is congruent with shared knowledge while, at the same time, paying inventors to incentivize innovation.

2. Community Ownership of Knowledge

Indigenous innovations and traditional knowledge need to be preserved under a community trusteeship regime. Local communities would collectively have rights instead of corporations patenting age-old knowledge. Swaraj prioritizes community well-being over corporate gains.

3. Open-Source and Cooperative IP Models

We can learn from open-source software, where information is open and freely shared, and where enhancements are done cooperatively. Scientific research and innovation can be made subject to Licensing schemes like Creative Commons or General Public License (GPL) to grant open yet controlled access.

Conclusion: The Future of Innovation Through Swaraj

Through the redefinition of patent law by the values of Swaraj and intellectual self-rule by K.C. Bhattacharya, we head towards a future where intellectual innovation is for the benefit of humankind, not merely for shareholders of corporations. It is time to take back our knowledge systems and establish a legal system that reflects the true values of self-rule, ethical advancement, and people-centered innovation.

What's your opinion? Should intellectual property legislation be redesigned according to the principles of Swaraj? Let me know in the comments!

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