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Policy for Senior citizens: Elderly policies in India and Abroad

Nov. 30, 2019   •   Yash Kulshreshtha

In the race of moving ahead, we often tend to forget our roots. Generations ago the seed was sown and irrigated through sweat, today we enjoy the fruits of that tree but care not for the ones who sown it. Today, India is one of the youngest nations in terms with around 70% of population below the age of 35. Within quarter a century, the coin will be reversed with this population reaching mature age.

At present, there is no concrete policy for the elderly people in India. Various schemes by different state governments have tried to touch upon this field, but a structured policy with clarity of thought is yet to be reached in India.

Niti Manthan has tried to understand the elderly policies of various foreign jurisdictions in order to contemplate the vision of Homo sapiens towards their elders. The researchers also dived into the depth of state government schemes and enactments which directly or indirectly affects the senior citizens. There has been an attempt to propose a solution to the vacancy of any National policy in this sphere.

This report is the first part of the two volume report, which has adopted the doctrinal methodology of research. The second volume shall have the empirical results which shall project the realities from ground zero and shall attempt to give practical solutions to the issue.

The report can be accessed at:

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