Is Climate Change Real?
Oct. 06, 2019 • Yash Kulshreshtha
Climate change is an exigency whose ignorance may shove the human
kind to unanticipated circumstances. It’s the talk of the globe, from NASA to
the United Nation assemblies to World economic forum, it has indeed
become a global agenda because none will be spared from the
repercussions of climate change considering that it knows no boundaries.
In the words of global leader, Barack Obama “Climate change is no more a
far off problem, it is happening here, it is happening now. There is one
issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than
any other and that is urgent threat of climate change.”
Before we begin to delve into the intricacies, lets understand what climate
is? Climate is usual weather of a place that may change from season to
season, but the excessive exploitation of nature by human beings has
exacerbated the normal cycle and climate has foraged on a wayward
direction that may lead to an unfortunate end of human species. The
evidence of it is starkly visible from the frequent climatic disturbance i.e
increase in sea level, no seasonal rainfall, inundated cities, rise in drought
stricken states, fall in agricultural production,surge in global prices and
escalation in diseases due to increase in global temperature like skin
cancer and other fatal outcomes.
Be it Hurricane dorian in US or hurricane Lorenzo in Ireland, Be it
indonesian forest fires or catastrophic amazon fire, Be it deluged Bihar,
Rajasthan and Madhya pradesh or the drastic drought of kerala that
brought life to a standstill, they have all happened not long ago and the list
goes on. The moral of the story is the climate change is real and emergent,
it is growing and getting larger. We are not far away from the day when bad
air, polluted water and chemical loaded food will be a new normal and the
developing countries will bear the larger brunt. A report by Greenpeace
says that 22 of the world's 30 most polluted cities are in India, the poor are
getting poorer under the burden of high prices, diseases and lack of
amenities to brave the climate change
However, The irony is despite the million instances, human greed has not
come out to resolve this climate emergency, discussions at the world
forums and the rise of one or two will not solve this but climate change
requires collective action of humankind, There need to be zeal like one of
Greta Thuneberg, the young climate activist from sweden who has up her
ante for the cause. Yet, the support for pulling down the trees in Aarey
colony of Mumbai and other intrusion with environment in the name of
development signifies nothing but our gross negligence.
It is not a time where we have the luxury to let go of the world’s most
developed and carbon consuming countries like USA from climate accord,
it’s not an era to bolster nuclear weapons or to prepare for war against
each other.We are rather on the verge where climate change should affect
us more than the economic slowdown but Alas! We are still not ready to put
off our materialistic armour. It’s commendable how Britain has declared
Climate emergency forcing the parliament to take climate actions more
seriously, the need of the hour is not limited to ratifications and conventions
but the responsibility to undo the harm caused to the environment has to be
shared equally by every world citizen. According to an ongoing temperature
analysis conducted by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space
Studies (GISS), the average global temperature on Earth has increased by
about 0.8° Celsius since 1880. Two-thirds of the warming has occurred since
1975, at a rate of roughly 0.15-0.20°C per decade however under Paris
climate agreement, nations had set a goal of limiting warming to 3.6°F, or 2 °C
and this requires cutting down the world’s consumption to one third which is
not an easy task but the one that requires grit and devotion.
In a nutshell, it’s the time to catch the gauntlet against the ceaseless
destruction of the environment and begin our contribution from the ground
level, let’s not wait for any magic to happen because” If not now then when, If
not I then who.
(Written by Sushmita, 2nd year law student at USLLS, GGSIPU)