May. 29, 2020 • anshu sharma
The developments by humanity are undoubtedly impacting us in a positive manner but one cannot ignore their negative impact on the environment. Due to increased pollution and climatic change, the balance of sustainable development in the environment has been disturbed to a great extent. Thus it has become the need of the hour to pay attention to this grave problem and take steps to re-establish this balance. Therefore the United Nations have initiated an exemplary action plan in the form of Agenda -21 to solve this problem.
What is Agenda-21?
Agenda 21 is a dynamic action plan of the United Nations with the objective of maintaining a balanced sustainable development in the environment. It is a result of the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992. A total of 178 countries voted in favour of adopting this plan. The ‘21’ in Agenda refers to 21st Century. In other words it is a modern action plan of the 21st century.
This Agenda is being implemented by:
- United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
- ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability
- Non-Governmental Organizations
- Federal Agencies
- State Laws and Regulations
- Local Governments
- Chambers of Commerce
And thus it is implemented at all local, national and global levels.
Its primary goal is to help the environment and ensure its sustainable development. In other words, to effectively meet the needs of today without compromising the needs of future generations. Other objectives of Agenda-21 are:-
1) It aims to achieve a Global Sustainable Development.
2) Aims to combat environmental damage, poverty, disease etc.
3) Aims at discussing the needs of shared responsibilities
4) It also aims to ensure that every local govt. should frame its own Agenda 21.
Structure of Agenda-21
Agenda-21 is a comprehensive document containing 300 pages, divided into 40 chapters and have been further grouped into 4 sections:
- Section I: Social and Economic Dimensions
It is directed toward combating poverty, especially in developing and under-developed countries , changing consumption patterns, promoting health, achieving a more sustainable population, and sustainable settlement in decision making.
- Section II: Conservation and Management of Resources for Development
This section aims at protecting the atmosphere, prevention of deforestation, protecting fragile environments, conservation of biological diversity (biodiversity), control of pollution and the management of biotechnology, and radioactive wastes.
- Section III: Strengthening the Role of Major Groups
This section lays emphasis on the roles of children and youth, women, NGOs, local authorities, business and industry, and workers; and also aims at strengthening the role of indigenous peoples, their communities, and farmers.
- Section IV: Means of Implementation
It deals with the projects relating to science, technology transfer, education, international institutions, and financial mechanisms.
Global Progress with Implementation of Agenda-21
Three major concepts define the progress on Agenda 21 implementation over the last 10 years:-
- First, the concept of sustainable development initiates a shift from specializing in single issues toward appreciating complex interactions between a good range of environmental and developmental factors. This shift is an element of what has been called “the transition to sustainability” (NRC, 1999).
- Second, there's a movement from international top-down norm-setting to national institution-building and more “grassroots” approaches at the authorities level.
- Third, Agenda 21 demands place-based scientific and technical knowledge, which has resulted in increasing involvement of research-based institutions like universities and personal enterprises (Juma, 2002).
- National Government Implementation of Agenda 21
As per the latest numbers, 85 countries have now developed national strategies for implementing Agenda-21 and some common strategies include the development of the following:-
- Framing of particular policies that focus on broad sustainable development objectives;
- Customary master plans based on national planning cycles;
- Techniques for association with donors; and
- Plan of action to address international obligations to amalgamate environmental considerations into thematic activities.
- Local Government Implementation of Agenda-21
The local government plays a crucial role in implementing this agenda as they directly educate, mobilise and respond to the public. Chapter-28 of Agenda-21 focuses on the role of local government. The content of the above chapter lays down the structure for the International Council for Local Environment initiatives.
The ICLEI has played a significant role towards effective implementation of this agenda through various projects like:
- Local Agenda 21 Incentive Grants Project
- African Sustainable Cities Network
- European Sustainable Cities and Towns Campaign
- Local Agenda 21 Charters Project
Local Agenda-21 is defined as a collaborative process involving multiple stakeholders which works towards achieving the objectives of Agenda-21 at local level through formation and execution of long-term strategic plans and addressing important matters of local sustainable development.
The Local Agenda-21 has been quite successful in the implementation of the objectives of Agenda-21 and the increased involvement of local governments in this initiative is a clear representation of its progress worldwide. Thus it aims to expand its reach with the inclusion of more local governments in the near future.
- Private Sector Implementation of Agenda-21
Multi-National companies have not only become the driving forces of today’s economy but also dominate the conversion of natural resources into products and services. Thus they aim at meeting the sustainable development goals in order to ensure long term success both economically and ecologically.
The private sector takes steps towards achieving this objective through new innovations in technology, application of eco-efficient standards, adoption and promotion of social responsibility practices, switching to new management strategies and promotion of dialogue and partnership.
Global challenges in implementing Agenda-21
The objectives of Agenda-21 have been successful but not to a great extent. According to U.N, challenges to the implementation of the Agenda-21 objectives are:
- A disintegrated approach towards sustainable development that de-couples environment and development: The concept of sustainable development combines environment and development within the long run .The present approaches to sustainable development arise from policies and programs at national and international levels that usually are short-term and inadequately merge environmental and developmental considerations.
- A lack of integrated national policies and approaches within the areas of finance, trade, investment, technology, and sustainable development: Commonly, short-term considerations are placed above the long-term use of natural resources, and policies are often compromised.
Agenda 21 is being adopted and implemented all over the world, extending at all scales and in all sectors. Though the progress of this Agenda-21 has not been successful in meeting the standard of expectations as anticipated in UNCED, 1992 but, the United Nations does see a positive scope for its development. With the aid of geographic data, improved technologies and modern approaches towards its implementation, this Agenda will soon evolve positively in the light of changing needs and circumstances.
(Priyana Gupta, Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, 2nd year)