Overview: A Widow’s Inheritance and Maintenance Rights in India
June 12, 2020 • Madhav Gawri
"The death of a woman's husband marked the transition from wife to widow taking the woman from a central place in the family to its margin; thenceforth she was regarded as someone who was physically alive but socially dead."
-Uma Chakravarti
OVERVIEW: Decoding the Atmanirbhar Bharat Financial Package
June 11, 2020 • Madhav Gawri
Civil forfeiture
June 11, 2020 • Apurva Bhutani
A lot of properties are being forfeited in various parts of the world, so it is essential nowadays to know the law on Civil Forfeiture. The State and Central government can take your stuff without charging you with a crime through as a legal process called civil forfeiture.
Overview: Procedure to get the marriage with a foreigner registered in India
June 10, 2020 • Madhav Gawri
Marriage is one of the universal social institutions. It is established by human society to control and regulate the life of man. It is a cornerstone of society. The purpose of marriage is to spiritually, emotionally, and physically unite a man and a woman together, as husband and wife, in a conventional relationship between themselves and their creator. Marriage is considered one of the basic human rights, but the procedure related to the marriage of a foreigner to an Indian is not that basic.
The Hong Kong Security Law
June 10, 2020 • Madhav Gawri
The last nail in the coffin for Hong Kong’s autonomy -Joshua Wong
Broadly Speaking: Animal Rights; The laws for the Voiceless
June 9, 2020 • Madhav Gawri
We as humans or as living beings have certain rights like the right to live, freedom from discrimination, and slavery that every person enjoys simply because they're human and a part of a particular society. Animals, in their primary consciousness, are other living things co-habiting with the humans on this planet. They do not have any notion(s) regarding rights in the human sense of that concept, but that does not imply that we forget to respect their right to life.
I.P Rights: Broad overview
June 8, 2020 • Madhav Gawri
Niti Manthan Summer School'2020 Phase 2 Results
June 6, 2020 • Architi Batra
Niti Manthan Summer School 2020 Results for Phase 2.
Legal Meme Making - Legal Stand Up
June 6, 2020 • यश कुलश्रेष्ठ
Getting bored during this lockdown?
Niti Manthan presents -
June 4, 2020 • Apurva Bhutani
Forgery is a white-collar crime that generally refers to the false making or material alteration of a legal instrument with the specific intent to defraud anyone.
Overview: Defamation laws in India
June 1, 2020 • Apurva Bhutani
Defamation is a crime which occasionally occurs against a person but the defamed person most of the times doesn’t know about his/her rights and the laws of defamation.
May 31, 2020 • Apurva Bhutani
The discharge of blood and menses from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina is called menstruation. However, there are many myths and taboos associated with menstruation in India which are illogical, unscientific and baseless.
Basics: Trade Sanctions
May 31, 2020 • Madhav Gawri
May 31, 2020 • Apurva Bhutani
The crimes that are motivated financially are called white collar crimes. They are conducted by business and government officials. They are non-violent crimes and are rising at an alarming rate in India.
May 31, 2020 • Apurva Bhutani
Dowry death is something which is a slap in the face of the society as whole and how we have failed to protect women from exploitation. There are some laws which govern the whole situation of dowry and the remedies that are available to avail justice when the women become victim of this heinous act.
Life after decriminalization of section 377 of Indian Penal
May 29, 2020 • anshu sharma
Research on ‘Life after decriminalization of section 377 of Indian Penal Code’ is centered on the most controversial and stigmatized term ‘homosexuality.’ This paper mainly throws light on how decriminalization of section 377 of IPC brings a change in the entire nation.
Wills under Hindu Law & Muslim Law
May 29, 2020 • anshu sharma
Paper on detailed comparison of wills under Muslim and Hindu Laws
The Suspension of Labour Laws ‘A boon or bane’?
May 29, 2020 • anshu sharma
Labour laws have been enacted in the country to maintain a balance between the rights and obligations of working employees and their employers. But due to the recent outbreak of Covid-19, there has been a significant change in the status of labour laws and labours. Thus this paper aims to throw light on current status of labour laws amid the outbreak and its impact on the position of labours in India.
May 29, 2020 • anshu sharma
Sustainable development is a common agenda for global concern, which everyone agrees upon, but when it comes to making and implementing policies in this regard, things become quite difficult. Over the passage of time, massive development in the society has created a huge imbalance in maintaining a sustainable environment. Thus, in such situations Agenda-21 comes into picture. This paper aims to explore the purpose and aspects of Agenda -21 and its role towards maintaining a sustainable environment.
May 29, 2020 • anshu sharma
Capital markets form an integral part of a country’s economy and are dominated by the investors and shareholders. Since they form the backbone of the capital market it is important to protect and promote their interests in order to ensure smooth working of the capital market along with maintaining their confidence in the transactions, thus in order to meet these objectives the concept of Class action Law suit came into existence.