Maintenance In Cases Of Desertion By Wife
July 9, 2020 • Architi Batra
Maintenance is given by one spouse to another upon their separation or matrimonial dispute. It is given so as to maintain a sustainable life and can be given either permanently or temporary. Desertion is also a ground of divorce and it may indicate breaking down of matrimonial ties. Maintenance in the case of desertion by wife may be awarded considering the facts and circumstances along with the reasonableness of the act. Different situations, judicial pronouncements and legal aspects are discussed under this article.
Does "Work from Home" Add a New Dimension to Labor Laws: An Analysis
July 7, 2020 • Snehal Asthana
The proportion of employees working at home or utilizing flexible working arrangements has been increasing along with the advancements in information and communications technology (ICT). Companies are taking a relook at employee benefits and employer liabilities as a majority of their staff work from home amid the lockdown.
Instant Justice Or Real Justice?
July 4, 2020 • Architi Batra
Our Indian judiciary is one of the finest judiciaries in the world. Indian judiciary provides everyone right to present his part in the court of law. In this article, we are dealing with the Hyderabad case where the suspects were encountered, & didn't get a chance to present their part in the court of law.
S 144 (Crpc) Imposition And Its Related Implications In The Light Of Covid-19
July 4, 2020 • Architi Batra
The article takes a look at the implications of the imposition of Section 144 CrPC in India amidst the Coronavirus pandemic.
Product By Process Claims
July 4, 2020 • Architi Batra
Product-by-process claims developed in response to the need to enable an applicant to claim an otherwise patentable product that resists definition by other than the process by which it is made. Initially, product-by-process claims were only permissible where the invention could not otherwise be adequately defined. Gradually, product-by-process claims became allowable even when the product could be defined with the help of its enhanced features given to it by the process used to create it.
July 3, 2020 • Apurva Bhutani
The word property means a thing over which one has the ownership rights. It can be owned by an individual or group of individuals. It is the exclusive right of a person or persons over a thing. Property has various economic, social and legal implications arising from it. The term property is a vast concept which is governed by different laws.
Compassionate Appointment in Service Laws: Overview
July 1, 2020 • Samiksha Gupta
Death is the harsh truth of life. When an individual dies, his family may find themselves in high and dry situation, more so when the deceased was the sole earner of his family. A dead man does not always leave behind property but sometimes he may leave behind poverty.
Webinar Report: Postulating Policy and a Systematic Model for Climate Change Laws in India
July 1, 2020 • Architi Batra
The report of the webinar hosted on 15th June 2020 by the Climate Change Laws Research team at Niti Manthan. Recording of the same can be accessed at -
July 1, 2020 • Samiksha Gupta
Oceans covers two-thirds of the planet and are vital for human well-being. They provide invaluable ecosystem services, contribute to global food security, and offer immense opportunities for economic growth, employment and development. However, our oceans are under immense pressure from a wide range of human activities, and the environmental basis of many of these economic opportunities is threatened. This pressure will increase unless governments take bold action to ensure a sustainable use of the oceans, and the protection of its natural resources.
Basic overview of Ideas Manu, Kautilya and other Indic thinkers on Role of a king in administration of justice
June 30, 2020 • Samiksha Gupta
In the early Vedic Period, the king came to be gradually regarded as the fountain of justice and during this period a more elaborated system of justice came into existence. Manu and Kautilya had made certain observations regarding law and order and especially on administration of justice in Vedic period.
Broadly speaking: Family Instability and Juvenile Delinquency
June 30, 2020 • Apurva Bhutani
According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) Report 2018, a total of 31,591 crimes were committed by juveniles in 2018 out of which around 85% of cases were committed by juveniles living with their parents, 9% lived with their guardians, and 6% were homeless. The data indicate that delinquent behavior by youth is predominantly influenced and transformed by the family and household, among other factors.
This article is an attempt to analyze the root causes of rising cases of juvenile delinquency and how family and parenting plays a vital role in shaping a minor’s deviant behavior.
Tibetan space in Indo-Sino conflict
June 29, 2020 • Nitish Rai
Young Leaders for Legal Literacy (YL cube) Program
June 29, 2020 • Nitish Rai
June 29, 2020 • Apurva Bhutani
Juvenile justice is the legal framework which defines justice for juvenile under the Indian legal system. It is the system of laws, policies, and procedures intended to regulate the processing and treatment of non-adult offenders for violations of law and to provide legal remedies that protect their interests in situations of conflict or neglect.
Should Piracy Be Legalized? - Excerpts from E-debate
June 28, 2020 • anshu sharma
An E-Debate was held on the pressing issue of legalizing piracy. Here are the arguments given for and against the motion.
Doctrine of Public Accountability
June 28, 2020 • anshu sharma
The article discusses application of doctrine of public accountability in India
Overview: COVID 19 and the Indian Court Houses: Challenges to the Indian Judiciary System during Pandemic
June 25, 2020 • Samiksha Gupta
With an already skewed ratio of 19 judges to ten lakh people in India, the COVID pandemic further endangers the right to access to justice of the people. Article 21 of the Indian Constitution guarantees ‘every man’ the right to life, which encompasses the right to accessible justice. Will the Indian Judiciary be able to stand the test of the time? While the Bar Council of India has already made a representation to the Supreme Court of India requesting to resume the physical access to courts, India has much to learn from the online mode of justice delivery.
June 25, 2020 • Samiksha Gupta
Right to retention of property is a right of Muslim wife to continue to be in possession of her husband’s property in those cases where her dower has not been paid. The right to dower is an inherent right of every Muslim wife. But, unless this right is effectively enforced, it is of no use to her.
June 25, 2020 • Samiksha Gupta
Yemen is in the midst of the world’s humanitarian crisis. For nearly six years, it’s been locked in an intractable war that has killed more than 100,000 people, pushing millions to the brink of starvation and caused the biggest cholera outbreak in history.
Deliberating Section 269 And 270 Of Indian Penal Code, 1860
June 25, 2020 • Architi Batra
The article discusses the details and application of Section 269 and Section 270 of IPC, 1860 Indian Penal Code.