About Us
The term leadership has of late acquired a synonymity with the desks of CEOs & Chairs of Politics, and each yearns to be a leader of this order.
"One wishes to direct the ship but not row a paddle." “Repeating undigested stray bits of European brainwork, and the whole soul bent upon getting a thirty rupee clerkship, or at best becoming a lawyer—the height of young India’s ambition—and every student with a whole brood of hungry children cackling at his heels and asking for bread!”
- Swami Vivekananda
The seed of Young Leaders for Legal Literacy Foundation was sown to transform the Leadership and Youth's Ambitions rooted in personal comfort and selfish interests into an all-encompassing, empathetic leadership with a heart and mind.
The logo of the Young Leaders Foundation symbolizes the ideals of a leader and a guiding beam for the Young Leaders trained in Law with intellect as wide as the sky and hearts as deep as oceans who would be taking the vision of empowering and educating the masses at the grass-root levels.

The turban represents not the authority of a leader but the weight and length of responsibilities tied to the head of a leader. The eyes resemble the sides of a balance, to always have a judicious, equitable, and balanced vision without leaning towards someone to the exclusion of others. The lips resemble the equanimity, which is discussed in the Bhagavad Gita and the sermons of Buddha, that a leader taking responsibility for the society and the actions of the self must maintain poise.
The YL3 is an initiative to motivate and inspire young students on various socio-legal themes and to guide them to traverse the righteous path throughout the endeavour of their personal and professional lives by having a direct interaction and by the exchange of views with experienced legal minds and researching, conceptualizing, and correspondingly reporting according to the selected avenues given below.
The law fraternity, one of the country's largest professional families, nourishes some of the societal stalwarts, but the question remains whether it nourishes the ‘common man’.
Established in 2021, carrying ahead the work of its predecessor organisation that functioned from 2018, we intend to supplement law schools to provide quality academic access to institutionally-vulnerable students and to bridge the gap between haves and have-nots of legal academia. It aspires to facilitate social sensitivity in students and professionals alike, thereby inclining the mindset towards constructive development of society and the nation.
The YL3 stands committed to its actions: Facilitating young minds towards holistic development